English with Rhys

The Podcast Course

5 out of 5
1 review

The Podcast Course is a great way to improve your listening skills!

This course is regularly updated with new episodes from the podcast.  The episodes are free of ads and also come with extra activities to help you get learn better.

Each podcast episode focuses on a different topic and helps you to improve your English language skills such as listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading.

My name is Rhys, and I’m here to help you level up your English.

In this course, you’ll learn…

  • Vocabulary on verious topics.
  • Language skills from phatic phrases to advanced conditional statements.
  • To develop your advanced listening comprehension skills.

This course is for…

  • People who have some experience with English and want to improve their skills.
  • People who want to travel to English-speaking countries and meet new people.
  • Businesspeople who work with people from other countries.
  • People who are curious and want to learn about different things.

Improving your listening skills in English can be challenging. Although you can listen to English movies and audiobooks, it’s not always easy to check if you’ve understood everything correctly.

That’s where The Podcast Course can help. This course includes interactive quizzes that allow you to test your understanding and identify areas where you need to improve.

Please note that this course is only available to serious and dedicated members. If you’re not already a member, you can sign up for as little as £4.49 per month.

The Podcast Course is an online English course designed to help learners improve their listening skills. Podcast episodes are added often with extra activities to improve your learning.
The course aims to improve various English language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and listening. Each podcast episode covers a different topic, giving learners a wide range of language content.
The teacher for The Podcast Course is Rhys, who is dedicated to helping learners level up their English skills. Rhys provides guidance and support throughout the course.
You will increase your vocabulary on many different topics, improve your language skills, and develop advanced listening comprehension abilities.
People with some experience in English who want to improve their language skills, people planning to travel to English-speaking countries or speak with new people, business professionals who work with colleagues from different countries, and
curious people interested in learning about a wide range of topics.
The Podcast Course is available to Serious and Dedicated Members.

Serious Members pay just £4.49 per month, and Dedicated Members pay £9.95 per month.
You need to be a Serious or Dedicated Member of English with Rhys. You can follow the link in the course description to get started!
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The Podcast Course